Building Practices & Construction Safeguards For School Districts

This paper provides information and expectations of what Michigan school districts should require of construction professionals, construction contractors and workforces regarding design, construction and performance.


How Tax Cheating Contractors Affect Construction Bids

In the construction industry, where it is often the lowest bid that gets a construction award, cheating on taxes can give an unethical and illegal competitive advantage to bogus contractors (see attached report).


Implications For Schools & Communities Who Use Unsecured Construction Bonds

School construction bonds can be classified as either secured or unsecured. For further information, see attached article.


Model Responsible Contracting Criteria & Scoring Worksheet From NC RESA

Attached is a Responsible Contracting Criteria & Scoring Worksheet approved in May 2012 from the Newaygo County Regional Educational Service Agency (NC RESA).


Model Responsible Contracting Policy & Administrative Rules From NC RESA

Attached is a policy and administrative rules approved in May 2012 from the Newaygo County Regional Educational Service Agency (NC RESA).


Prevailing Wage Information Sheet

Michigan Requirements of the Prevailing Wages on State Projects Act, Public Act 166 of 1965.


Project Labor Agreements: A Cost-Benefit Analysis For State & Local Governments

Lawmakers and policymakers do not realize the current state of the U.S. construction industry is defined by a “low-road” business model that shifts significant costs onto the backs of local governments. See attached PLA and prevailing wage analysis.

Responsible Construction Contracting For Local Governments in Michigan

This document describes reasons for local governments in Michigan to adopt a policy on Responsible Contracting regarding the construction and renovation of public buildings.


Responsible Construction Contracting For Michigan’s Public Schools, Colleges & Universities

This document describes reasons for Michigan’s Public Schools, Colleges and Universities to adopt a policy on Responsible Contracting regarding the construction and renovation of public school buildings.


Responsible Contracting In Michigan

Here are Michigan Public Schools, College/Universities & Local Governments Who Have Adopted Responsible Contracting Criteria


Responsible Contracting Sample Policy For Municipalities

High standards for municipal building construction or renovation should not be an option. We must have rigorous construction policies in place before we build or renovate. See the attached sample policy.


Responsible Contracting Sample Policy For Schools

We must require that we have the most qualified construction personnel possible to build our schools to ensure each building is a sanctuary of safety and security for everyone who walks through the door. See the attached sample policy.


KC Responsible Bidder Program Qualification Form

The Kalamazoo County Purchasing Department (Owner) is currently accepting Qualification forms from any and all individuals or firms interested in bidding upon construction projects for the County Of Kalamazoo.